Thursday 28 April 2011

Kerrang! Magazine Research

I have conducted research of a magazine similar to mine, and have looked into the target audience, and its origins, as well as the different techniques and styles tghey have used other the years.

Kerrang Case Study

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Photos used in the music magazine.

I used this photo for my front cover. I used this because it showed a sort of mirrorage of death, with one of the girls being stood behind the gravestone acting like death.

Now, this photo was obviously rotated to potrait and I also slanted it. This was used in the contents page. This was used to show significance towards the artist. I decided to have th photo been slanted to keep in the same form as the text.

This photo was used in the double paged spread. I used this photo and gave it one half of the double spread because, I believe that the bigger the photo is, the more signifcant that artist becomes.

This photo was used as the background to an "album cover" I made up for the front cover. This was used and including an album cover would give my
front cover a little unorthodox style.

Saturday 5 February 2011

The Readership Profile

I think my Readership profile would be similar to Kerrang! and NME, since Kerrang! and NME both share the same genre as the one I'm basing my coursework on - Rock.

This is an example of a readership profile for KERRANG!:

This readership profile demonstrates who the readers generally are. The Median age of the readers in this readership profile is 19, which is similar to the Teenage/Yound Adult audience I'm trying to seek. 60% of the readers are male, which tells me that the audience that would probably be male. According to the readership profile, the readers of Kerrang! are regular consumers of video games, fashion and media, which tells me that
the readers of Kerrang! have a strong intrest in general entertainment and media.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Ideology - Interview Analisys

What a musician says in an interview often presents their image as either a band or a solo artist. In this interview I have examined some phrases through-out the interview that help create the musician's image. This is an interview for Three Days Grace's Adam Gontier...

Adam's answer to the 3rd question shows Three Days Grace show themselves a band who want to live life to the fullest – as in the name.

The Comment "We don't try and compare ourselves to other bands" show the band are not trying to link themselves with other bands.

The comment, "It's about realizing there's there is something in your life you're wasting time on." shows they are Trying to make us realise, there might be something in their life that’s a waste time.

When being asked about the song "Just Like You", his reply Shows they have their own ideas and values, and don’t listen to others. Not being pushed around.

The comment "I grew up with alot of people who were into music" is ansswer to the influence into Adam’s decision to be involved with music

Thursday 21 October 2010

College Magazine Front Cover and Contents Pages - UPLOADED

Right, here they are. First with the Front Cover. I decided to have a Noir-type effect on these pages, because I've seen the Noir Effect being used before, and it looked brilliant. I thought if I put my College Magzine Front Cover in the same style, it would look good.