Tuesday 8 February 2011

Photos used in the music magazine.

I used this photo for my front cover. I used this because it showed a sort of mirrorage of death, with one of the girls being stood behind the gravestone acting like death.

Now, this photo was obviously rotated to potrait and I also slanted it. This was used in the contents page. This was used to show significance towards the artist. I decided to have th photo been slanted to keep in the same form as the text.

This photo was used in the double paged spread. I used this photo and gave it one half of the double spread because, I believe that the bigger the photo is, the more signifcant that artist becomes.

This photo was used as the background to an "album cover" I made up for the front cover. This was used and including an album cover would give my
front cover a little unorthodox style.

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